The Belper Rover 2025-Race Instructions
17th August 2025
Mass start for prizes men 09.00am ladies 09:03am
Rolling start 09:05 – 09:20am
Walkers are asked to collect their numbers at 07:45AM and are requested to walk on the left.
Walkers can start from 8.15am.
Course Records
Male: Jack Dakin 1.52.46
Female: Lucy Spencer 2:06.28
NOTE: Failure to read these instructions will affect your performance in this event.
Race help : In the unlikely event you require assistance on race day please call 07718 143719
Date: 18th August 2024
Parking: is available at the Start / Finish area at Belper meadows Sports centre, Bridge St, Belper DE56 1BA at £4.00 per car. Payment can be made by card or phone.
No drop off facility (narrow road entrance 5mph)
Parking: is also available at Field lane car park DE56 1DD Belper. 5 minute walk to Belper Meadows.
Please do not park at East Mill or any other areas other than official car parks. Belper will be quiet when you arrive but can be busy on Sundays after 10:00.
The Mill has a car wash operating on Sundays & parking is camera controlled.
Spectators / supporters: Are welcome at Belper meadows sports centre,
NO Dogs are permitted inside the Belper meadows facility building, inside the fenced area.
Race HQ. Number & chip collection:
Race HQ & Finish:
Belper meadows Sports Centre, Bridge Street, Belper DE56 1BA.
The Finish area & water stations are crewed by volunteers from the Belper Meadows Sports Centre, Belper Scouts, Belper Guides, Milford May Day Committee & Milford In Bloom. Proceeds from the Belper Rover go towards these local community groups.
Please say thank you to them for assisting you from Start to Finish.
Any route changes will be posted at the registration point.
Your race number & chip:
On arrival at Belper Meadows please proceed to the registration tent to collect your race number.
Your race number will be on the entrant list on the Belper Rover website / facebook page after the 14th August. Make a note of your number & collect your number & race chip from the registration desk.
Please complete the emergency contact details etc on the back of your race number
Race chip your race chip will be attached to the back your race number, it is important that you do not fold or cut the number.
Bag drop: There is no bag drop. Please arrive ready to race
Changing rooms, There will be changing rooms and toilets available inside Belper Sports centre.
Club / Group meeting points: if your club/group would like to erect a tent, gazebo or banner flag in the registration area for promotion or meeting up purposes please contact by email godivemark@hotmail.com
How a rolling start works-09:05-09:20 After collecting your number & chip you can start when you are ready after attaching them. Your time starts when you cross the start line & finishes when you cross the finish line.
The Start: 09:00 -09:20 You will start on Wyver Lane DE56-2UB which is a short walk away from Belper Meadows. Please follow the signs to the start.
Mass start: will be at 09:00 for men and 09:03 for ladies
Rolling start: 09:05 – 09:20
We have tried very hard to reduce the amount of road you have to run on & where you do have placed traffic management in place but we have to share the road with other road users.
PLEASE DO NOT use MP3 players or head phones (including bone-conducting headphones) as there may be traffic including cycles on the roads & you need to be able to hear the traffic & any warning issued by other road users.
Please STOP at all road junctions & when you are joining the road from the verge & check for traffic before proceeding. Be safe not sorry.
Water stations are located at approximately 11 & 15 miles
Note: Water will be supplied in bottles, You can either take the sports cap bottle with you or decant it into your own bottle. Please dispose of empty bottles in the bins provided just after the water station.
Disposing of litter on the course is an instant disqualification.
The route is fully signed with Belper Rover signs plus white painted arrows on verges / road.
In the unlikely event you get lost. Retrace your steps back to try & find a Belper Rover sign for direction or Find a noticeable landmark/ road sign / Pub or use google maps etc and call 07718 143719 & we will try to help locate you or give you directions.
The finish
All finishers will receive a bottle of water, a cheese cob and goodybag plus a finishers medal
Prizes Male & Female: cash & trophy 1st/£100, 2nd/£50, 3rd/£25 with a bonus £50 for course record. PRIZES & AWARDS MUST BE COLLECTED AT THE AWARDS CEREMONY.
Please ensure your number is clearly visible on the front of your shirt, we will have video control points at several locations. In the event of a dispute if your number cannot be seen or read on the video you may not get a prize. The race directors decision is final.
There will be no entries on the day.
Numbers can be transferred by the entrant using the event entry portal on the website these must be done by 23;59 on 16/08/2024 please allow good time to do this as they have to be completed by this time to allow us to complete the start list into alphabetical order
Entering under someone else’s number could void our insurance please do not run using someone else’s number without transferring it.
Thank you for entering The Belper Rover, The rover crew will be working hard on race day to ensure you have a great day & achieve your goal.
Important Notes:
In event of emergency on the course please call 07718 143719.
If you have any insect allergies please ensure you have your treatment with you. We have checked the route for insect nests but the crafty things move about without notice.
Please ensure you stay well hydrated.
The route is on paths & trails which have steps, roots, stones etc please watch your foot placement.